Maria Mei on December 8th, 2009

Everytime when the principle of “common but differentiated responsibilities” is being discussed, people always go back to the topic  of finance and technology transfers. However, in terms of technology, there exists an issue of intellectual property rights. Technology transfer has been seen as a barrier by developing countries with the existence of IPRs. Even though […]

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The role trade will play in the post-Kyoto climate negotations has yet to been fully determined. Efforts have been made to reduce GHG emissions through trade, but many questions about the range and form of finance and investment for innovation, adaptation, and technology transfer remain. For our group’s key issue paper I focused on the […]

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hoffmand on November 1st, 2009

On November 18th, China and India, the world’s fastest growing countries, both in population and GHG emissions, signed a five-year agreement of cooperate on climate change issues. In the grand schemes of things, this is very large, strategic move. The agreement strengthens the ties between these two countries before, during and after the Copenhagen negotiations. […]

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