House Divided Joins the Google Cultural Institute

Gettysburg AddressesToday marks the 150th anniversary of President Abraham Lincoln delivering his Gettysburg Address at the dedication ceremony of the Soldiers’ National Cemetery in 1863. Containing only 10 sentences and delivered in an elegant two-minute address, this speech is an enduring emblem of American culture. In celebration of this momentous event within the Civil War, Dickinson’s House Divided was asked by the Google Cultural Institute to curate an exhibit that brings together for the first time high resolution scans of the five known copies of the Gettysburg Address written in Lincoln’s own handwriting. These online versions of the speech that the Google Institute has uploaded were taken from copies submitted by the White House, the Library of Congress, Cornell University, and the Abraham Lincoln Presidential Library and Museum. On the site, Matthew Pinsker, the director of the House Divided Project and a history professor at Dickinson College, states that the story behind Lincoln’s speech begins on a Tuesday evening, July 7, 1863. For more information about the project, read the following article published today in The Washington Post.

Or better yet, visit the official site: Lincoln’s Gettysburg Addresses.

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