7. October 25 – November 1

I’m beginning the process of writing my first chapter in earnest, and these early steps have been very helpful for identifying the gaps in my research. I’m particularly excited about what this week’s research has turned up on Georgia Swift King, though – I’ve built out a timeline for her involvement in progressive causes, especially the WCTU, and I’m confident that she’ll be the character anchor of my chapter. From this biographical focus, I’ll use her narrative as a way to talk about black female involvement in temperance more generally – both in connection to white temperance movements and broader black racial uplift rhetoric.

Other research updates:
• I’m finalizing the budget and itinerary for the Atlanta trip – photocopying costs at Woodruff and flat researcher fees at ABHS – as well as costs for Amistad papers – make me think that maybe I should only go for four days – although I also hope to make it to the First Congregational Church and see their archival materials (but that could possibly take up only part of the day.
• Re: the Amistad papers, I’ve been in contact with a graduate student at the University of New Orleans who is going to make a preliminary research trip to the Amistad Center for me by November 4th – we’ve worked out an arrangement that needs to be accounted for in the budget as well.
• I’ve also been in touch with the Frances Willard House Archives, who had some suggestions for both primary and secondary source literature. I’ve followed up asking for papers more specific to King.

Action Items:
– Write, write, write! I just need to get it out on paper so I can identify further research and then work on editing later.
– Purchase tickets, book hotels, schedule appointments at archives for Atlanta trip
– Clean up the website and make it presentation ready!