Zachary Ricchiuti ’12

Zachary Ricchiuti








Major: East Asian Studies


At my current company HTH Worldwide, I am in charge of our corporate hospital and doctor network in Asia. The strength of our company is our network and access to quality healthcare, which means that I have to stay up to date with the latest international healthcare facilities and doctors all throughout the continent. This includes recruiting new facilities and doctors that cater to international patients, and also providing research on new cities that our clients want to establish business or study abroad locations at. While the bulk of my work is in China, India, and South Korea, we do have a large Japan presence, and in the past I have made calls to hospitals and individual doctors to make sure they are aware of our brand and our insurance process.


While at Dickinson, I had a wonderful experience studying abroad at Nanzan University in Nagoya. My time there was split between a home stay and a dormitory, with each offering unique experiences with regard to living in Japan and using the Japanese language. I had the opportunity to join Japanese clubs at University and spend time with not only Japanese students, but students from all over Asia in a very diverse study abroad program. My time in Japan and the Dickinson East Asia program in general gave me a well-rounded education in the history and society of the region, allowing me to look at projects and my current work through an analytical lens.

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