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Primary Sources:

H.R. 5804, 47th Cong. (1882) (enacted).

H.R. H.R. 7995, 68th Cong. (1924) (enacted).

“Immigration’s Effect upon Women.” Harper’s Bazaar, September 22, 1900, 1347.

Levick, Edwin. Immigrants on an Atlantic Liner. December 10, 1906. Library of Congress, Washington, D.C.

“One-Fourth of Population Due to Immigration.” Wall Street Journal (New York, NY), March 18, 1904.

Riis, Jacob A. Lodgers in a Crowded Bayard Street Tenement. 1889. How the Other Half Lives, Museum of the City of New York.

“Smuggling Aliens Into the U.S.A.” The Washington Post, September 14, 1924.

Underwood and Underwood. Immigrants Just Arrived from Foreign Countries–Immigrant Building, Ellis Island, New York Harbor. 1904. Library of Congress, Washington, D.C.

Universal Newsreels, Release 90, November 5, 1931. Performed by Graham McNamee. Los Angeles, CA – Hollywood: Universal Pictures Company Inc., 1931. Film.

Walker, Francis Amasa. “Restriction of Immigration.” The Nation, June 1896.

Wilson, Woodrow. Speech, Veto of Immigration Legislation, House of Representatives, Washington, D.C., January 28, 1915.

Secondary Sources:

Bankston, Carl L., and Danielle Antoinette. Hidalgo. Immigration in U.S. History. Pasadena, CA: Salem Press, 2006.

Fishback, Price. The Economic History Review 66, no. 4 (November 2013): 975-92.

Hauser, Philip M. “Population and Vital Phenomena.” American Journal of Sociology 47, no. 6 (1942): 816-28.

Hochschild, Jennifer L., Vesla M. Weaver, and Traci R. Burch. Creating a New Racial Order: How Immigration, Multiracialism, Genomics, and the Young Can Remake Race in America. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 2014.

Klein, Herbert S. A Population History of the United States. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, 2004.

United States. Bureau of Labor Statistics. Monthly Labor Review. By J.J. Kunna. 2nd ed. Vol. 22. 1926. 232-52.