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This project will explore the establishment, preservation and usage of the United States National Parks Service and specifically, the role of two influential men, Theodor Rosevelt and John Muir. Additionally, this project will include the creation of Yellowstone and Yosemite. 

Theodor Rosevelt directly assisted in creating dozens of Parks in America specifically Yellowstone and Yosemite. The establishment of the first National Park, Yellowstone came in 1872 at the rise of American urbanization and immigration. Yellowstone National Park is roughly a 3,500-sq.-mile that happens to sit atop a volcanic hot spur. The park is settled mostly in Wyoming but has areas that spread into Montana and Idaho. At Yellowstone one can see canyons, rivers, forests, hot springs and geysers.The goal of Yellowstone is to preserve and protect the stunning views and landscapes of the American outdoors for all to enjoy. A British traveler, Lady C. F. Gordon-Cumming, describes the Parks Service, “Happily the United States Government … determined that certain districts, discovered in various parts of the States, and noted for their exceeding beauty, should, by Act of Congress, be appropriated for evermore for public use, resort, and recreation, and be inalienable for all time.”(Runte 1971: 1)

While Yellowstone was thriving and attracting visitors, another piece of land became of national interest of John Muir. John Muir was a Scottish American, author, naturalist, environmental philosopher and early advocate for the preservation of wilderness in the United States of America.  Yosemite was first declared a public land in 1864 when President Lincoln signed the Yosemite Act in 1864 however, the park was still lacking its national status. In 1890, Muir convinced Congress to make Yosemite a National Park. The park was later included in the Parks Service Movement in 1916. Yosemite is a national park located in California’s Sierra Nevada mountains. Some of its highlights include, sequoia trees, and the granite cliffs of El Capitan and Half Dome. 

This project will explore many primary sources that provide details about both Theodore Rosevelt and John Muir and their influence on the National Parks we know today. Additionally, it will provide detail about Yellowstone and Yosemite related to creation and preservation of the parks. First, this project will start with an Act by Ulysses S. Grant to separate Yellowstone as a public park. Next, this project will go into detail about the roles of John Muir and Theodore Rosevelt. Some of these primary sources include a picture of Rosevelt at Yellowstone in 1903 exploring the land and scenery. Additionally, this project has pictures of both Rosevelt and Muir camping in Yosemite Valley while discussing plans for the park. Also, this project induces literature written by the two men similarly defending Yosemite and explicitly making actions to preserve, protect and enjoy the park.  

This project will define National Parks Service in terms of the creation and early years of the parks. Additionally, it will focus on Yellowstone and Yosemite and the preservation of land and wildlife. Due to the rise in urbanization, industrialization and immigration, my project will begin in the 1860s. The Organic Act of 1916 that created the “National Parks Service” that Americans know today will conclude my project. 

Beginning with American industrialization and the resulting urbanization, this project will focus on the creation of Yellowstone and Yosemite. For example, this project will include the influence of President Rosevelt. In addition, it will include influence from John Muir in creating the parks.




“History of the National Park Service (U.S. National Park Service).” National Parks Service. U.S. Department of the Interior.


“Mission & History.” National Park Foundation.