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Shave ‘Em Dry

The 1920’s began an era of change for women’s sexuality. As women gained rights and became more empowered, women became more vocal about themselves and more open about things such as sexuality and the idea that sex can be for pleasure purposes rather than for solely reproductive purposes. The idea behind “Shave ‘Em Dry” is about embracing sexuality and that sex is enjoyable, it’s not only for building a family. The song details the female anatomy, dirty talk, and prostitution, all things that were to not be spoken about previously. The 1920’s are a time of change. Women are beginning to receive rights and due to becoming more empowered, were more open about other topics that went unspoken about for years.

1920s Liberation

As women became empowered, they began to break the mold of what was previously expected of them. Overtime women showed their sexuality through less modest clothing, flirting and close dancing. In the 1920s viewpoints surround women, particularly white, young, middle-class women, are changing and progressing. Women are regarded as almost equal to men, after obtaining the right to vote, and are able to express themselves much more openly in the public sphere. As sexuality became more open and discussed, a woman solely residing in the private sphere began to dissipate. Women gained rights and with those rights pushed for true equality in every aspect of the word.

Roaring ’20s

The roaring ‘20s. A decade that redefined the role of women in the United States. Women are now fully in the public eye. As time went on, women became more promiscuous and flirtatious. In the 1920s it became more widely accepted that women are not only around to raise a family. In the 1920s women openly flirted, danced and had sex with men. The influence of jazz and new music largely influenced women’s sexual coming. Women are no longer confined to the private, domestic sphere. The 1920’s became a time of change, primarily for white middle class women. Women are in the public eye and are not going to exit it.