Astrochemistry is the study of molecules in space, from their formation in molecular clouds of gas and dust in the interstellar medium to the evolution of chemical complexity alongside star and planet formation. Astrochemists use astronomical observations, laboratory experiments, and computational modeling to figure out what molecules are out there and the pathways by which they are connected. In the Wilkins Group at Dickinson, we study molecules in space via observations and experiments.

Prof. Olivia Harper Wilkins is an Assistant Professor of Chemistry at Dickinson (starting Fall 2024) and is starting to build her research program. This website will be updated to share that journey. Students looking to help build the lab or get their hands on some radio telescope data should email Prof. Wilkins to introduce themselves and set up a time to chat about their research goals and interests.


1 July 2024 – Prof. Wilkins receives the ACS Astrochemistry Subdivision Dissertation Award

Prof. Wilkins receives the Astrochemistry Dissertation Award from the American Chemical Society for her Caltech Ph.D. thesis “High-Resolution Chemical Imaging of Extreme Interstellar Environments”.

1 July 2024 – Prof. Wilkins joins the Dickinson faculty

Prof. Wilkins began at Dickinson as an Assistant Professor of Chemistry. She is excited about teaching Quantum Chemistry & Spectroscopy (CHEM 341) and the Friday section of General Chemistry I Lab (CHEM 131-L5) in the fall and starting her research program!