25 Points

Three Points:

1) The foremost intentions of the NSDAP were to right the wrongs perpetrated upon Germany by the Treaty of Versailles and to reestablish Germany as an independent international power. Points 1-3  explicitly call for reparations, German unification and express the party’s disdain for “the peace treaties of Versailles and St. Germain.”

2) The NSDAP demanded an intense purification of the German state. No person could be considered a citizen if he was not a “member of the race,” which excluded Jews and all foreigners. The Nazis wanted to create an insulated, elite race that could serve as the catalyst for a German revival.

3) The NSDAP sought to perpetuate their ideals through the indoctrination of the German youth. Point 20 outlined the idea of a “fundamental reconstruction of [the] whole national education program.” The ideals of the State were to be driven into the heads of German children to ensure the Nazi Party would survive eternally.


For what reasons did the NSDAP specifically oppose Jewish people?

Were the 25 Points widely accepted by the German population or was there some dissent regarding their oppressive nature?


Most of the NSDAP’s 25 Points seemed chiefly influenced by the penalties brought down upon Germany after World War I. In reading the points, it becomes obvious that most of them have originated out of a distrust and distaste for all things non-German. The NSDAP was able to appeal to its German citizens in this manner, who also felt Germany was victimized by the treaties of Versailles and St. Germain. The promises of a healthy, unified, and stable Germany were enough for most of the German population to overlook the blatant overtones of discrimination and intolerance that pervade the 25 Points.