The Irish Civil War

The Irish War of Independence, which lasted from 1922 to 9123, was fought in order to determine whether or not the country would remain a part of the British Empire. The Free State forces won (as opposed to the IRA) and the country was kept in the Empire. However, at a cost that that divided the country so deeply that these debates are still going on today.

The documentary, The Madness from Within, broadcasted in 1998, showed the lasting impacts on the country and different personal views from children whose parents’ lived through the wars themselves. Throughout the film, it showed the immense violence and bloodshed of leaders and activists as well as the outcome of the two party state we see today.

I found the documentary hard to follow, however very intriguing. This deep set division still resonates today in a way that leaves many Irish still bitter about the outcome. Current IRA members (now a guerrilla army) are being prosecuted today. This battle may have had a cease fire, but it doesn’t seem like the deep rooted ideologies ever left families after all these decades.