Equality and Dracula as the Tragic Elite

We live in an age defined by an ultra-egalitarian zeitgeist so overpowering that it has extinguished the fire or spirit which once illuminated the halls of history with understanding and meaning.

Egalitarianism, the ideology and moral ideal of equality, is the defining characteristic of what we call ‘modernity’. On a physical and metaphysical level it is the destruction of value. It is a source of apathy and is essentially nihilistic because of its destruction of value. Something has value when is different or unique. A world of difference and inequality has meaning and purpose. A world of equality, in an esoteric sense, is a world without meaning. It is a world where no one is stronger, smarter, quicker, wittier,  more beautiful or noble than anyone else. To even assert that anyone is or could be greater than anyone else is the greatest sacrilege, punished with excommunication and shaming. This is probably why marxian socialists and marxian socialist countries with aggressively egalitarian policies have recorded historically the highest rates of suicide in the world. This also might explain why life was so cheap under the soviet system, and also why in a secular state where metaphysics have been abolished and the world is seen purely in physical terms (capitalism/socialism/communism) the number one preoccupation is money. But while money can provide you with means it cannot provide you with meaning.

And this highlights the terrible contradiction in egalitarian ideology because its general appeal is not to those who are in the middle – and certainly not those with any confidence in themselves – but to those that are either significantly above or significantly below. Those who are below embrace the language of equality because they stand to gain social status and wealth. Equality policies are like winning the lottery. And those who are above preach equality because they stand to gain legitimacy and a sense of well being. Advocacy of equality makes them appear ‘Enlightened’ (woke) and ‘educated’ (informed) which makes them morally superior to those who reject advocacy of equality… all of which gives them power in the social structure as constructed today. And this highlights what lies beneath all the empty platitudes and ostensible noble intentions: Egalitarianism is about Power. This is why it creates a climate of corruption because on the one hand the language of egalitarianism is used in a cynical fashion by individuals pursuing personal or political advantage while on the other (and because of these individuals) the sincerity of self-proclaimed egalitarians becomes highly suspect. What is more showing however is that among those who have been designated as beneficiaries of egalitarian ethics it is increasingly understood now more than ever that these ethics are not sincere. This is because those who are beneficiaries ultimately comprise a class of parasites who knowingly go along with these ethics as a strategy of not only survival but deception.

And when you look around at the material world in which we live it is undeniable that inequality is not only in abundance but an inevitability. Equality of opportunity is a lie (it is important to note here that the assumption of equality of opportunity precedes equality of outcome which is therefore also a lie). It doesn’t exist and never will. How tall are you? Are you and all of your peers the same height? What is the height of your reach? You may never be able to reach higher than six feet. Why is this? Well, we are at least eighty percent genetic or hereditarian. We exist as organisms in biological substructures just like all other organisms and we are beholden to the laws of nature (unless you are a kook who believes in creationism instead of the Theory of Evolution). In this way we are biologically pre-determined. So equality of opportunity will not ever exist and is therefore a dishonest ideal to pursue because it will never be realized, and you shouldn’t believe anyone telling you equality of opportunity is real or achievable.

You might be asking yourself: Why is it important to explain the greatest falsehood and betrayal of our time? This ideology of Egalitarianism has infected everything including your psyche and moral sensibilities. You have oriented your entire life and understanding of the world around a great lie. It’s not your fault you have fallen for this lie. I don’t believe that someone who has had the truth withheld from them is in any way at fault. You are a victim of historical circumstance. You have not yet been presented with an alternative to this illusion that has been constructed around you. That is where Count Dracula comes in. Continue reading, if not for the extrication of you moral consciousness by understanding anti-egalitarianism, at least for an accurate understanding of who Dracula is.

So, who is Dracula? We know that he’s a vampire and he’s suppose to be very spooky. But more important to his identity and character is his appearance in the novel as an elite or patrician, and an unapologetic and proud one at that (a characteristic that has curiously been entirely erased from or demonized in popular culture). Dracula isn’t an elite in the meritocratic sense either – constructed to be the only acceptable type of elite by moderate egalitarians – rather he is a nobleman. “Ah, young sir, the Szekelys – and the Dracula as their heart’s blood, Their brains, and their swords – can boast a record that mushroom growths like the Hapsburgs and the Romanoffs can never reach.” (Page 37). As a member of the nobility – unlike the rootless, cosmopolitan elites of today – he has a connection to the land and a connection to the people who have served him and who he has protected. There is a sense of pride in who he is, integrally tied to common people. There is also a desire for greatness, glory and status not only for himself but for his people because as a nobleman his success is largely dependent on theirs -again unlike the bankers and financiers of today who benefit from misfortune as much as success.

This is really only a superficial characteristic of the aristocracy based in the material world that is rather common and understandable. What is truly revealing is the sentiment he follows this passage up with. “The warlike days are over. Blood is too precious a thing in these days of dishonourable peace; and the glories of the great races are as a tale that is told.” (Page 37). The aristocracy and the the aristocratic soul has always been organized around ideals found in majesty, glory, strength, beauty and honor (romanticism) through organized violence. Organized violence is seen as the highest and most pure expression of the soul because of its truth value. When someone achieves their goals by way of organized violence they have done so honestly and fairly by way of competition. The yearning desire for the greatness that comes from organized violence/truth is essentially aristocratic during this time period when the aristocracy, traditionally the military class. He is the classically conflicted aristocratic figure. The aristocracy had reached its zenith and had steadily declined because of increasing egalitarian sentiments during the 19th century. Changing military technologies had rendered skill at arms, the years of martial training aristocratic men had engaged in, useless in the face of the bolt action rifle, artillery, and tanks.

Dracula as a vampire also possess’ supernatural strength and power. So he is not only an elite in the social sense but also possess’ the mythical strength and endurance of a figure typically worshiped in a pagan hero cult. He is in a physical sense superior to those around him. Of course this superiority comes at the cost of being a vampire and all of the negative side effects that go along with vampirism. Dracula in this way is a tragic figure. He possess’ the high qualities of a hero but at the expense of insatiable desire that reduces him to a thrall.