by Ellen Aldin

During our trip in the Pyrénées mountains, we learnt how to cook the Garbure.

Feeds 6 people
Preparation: 25 minutes
Cook Time: 2 hours and 30 minutes

¾ cup (.87) white Tarbes beans or similar
1 pound of potatoes
1 cabbage at around 1 pound
2 (2.175) cups or 1 pound of leeks
2 (2.175) cups or 1 pound of carrots
½ pound of turnips
1 large onion
½ pound of celery
4 garlic cloves
salt and pepper
1 pig’s foot (I think this is wrong?)
1 pork shank
6 duck pieces (wings or thighs)

1.    Let the beans soak overnight in warm water. Change the water at least 1 time before cooking.
2.    Prepare the vegetables. Peel them (when necessary) and cut them.
3.    In a large pot, boil about 1 gallon of water. Cook with the pig’s foot and pork shank for 1 hour.
4.    Add the bean, turnips, carrots, celery, and leeks. Let them cook for 1 hour on low heat.
5.    Add the potatoes and cabbage. Add salt and pepper to taste. Let this cook for 30 minutes and taste to make sure the beans are done cooking.
6.    Cook the duck and add it at the very end.

Custom: After eating the plate of garbure, it is custom to “chabrot” on the plate that has a small amount of liquid left and is still warm. Dump your glass of red wine on the plate and drink the mixture.