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2 Ideas About ACE Inhibitors as COVID-19 Treatments

Scientists are scrambling to find effective COVID-19 treatments. Researchers have explored surprising and creative drug combinations to treat the novel virus, which has severely burdened numerous healthcare systems,…

It’s Getting Hot Beneath the Surface: Marine Heat Waves are Impacting our Oceans Food Chains

  From delicious Abalone, to swarms of bright red krill and plankton too small to see with the naked eye, coastal invertebrates make up the basis of the…

Animals After Dark (In a Solar Eclipse)

On the 21st of August 2017 the majority of the eastern United States experienced an astronomical phenomenon that only few bear witness to during their lifetimes- a total…

Bad Use of Technology: Hospitals Under Attack!!

Healthcare institutions have many concerns to navigate, however in modern society cybersecurity is the most prominent. There has been a rise in cybersecurity breaches given the advances in…

Doctors Fight for Life and Infant Survives Cancer!

During pregnancy, you are the reason your baby lives and it’s your job to protect your child to allow it to mature, however in the case of this…

Unable to Soothe Your Child? Might be Diabetes.

Children are society’s weakness, we never want them to be harmed, but unfortunately sometimes it is out of our control. Many parents display frustration or confusion because they…

Uncovering the Mystery of Genetically Based Breast Cancer Beyond the BRCA Genes

BRCA1 and BRCA2 have a significant meaning in the world of cancer. Chances are if you or anyone you know has had breast or ovarian cancer, you have…

Elephants, Ethics, and Ecotourism in Thailand

During the summer following my sophomore year at Dickinson, I was lucky enough to serve as the elephant department intern at the Rosamond Gifford Zoo in Syracuse, NY. …

All Women are at Risk and a Quarter Worldwide are Diagnosed!

The word breast does not seem scary until it is placed beside the word cancer. Breast cancer (BC) is a disease with a morbidity rate of about 28%…

Potential Gene Related to Autism Spectrum Disorders!

Autism is a widely known term to describe a range of developmental disorders that may or may not be genetically related. It has become more recently known as…