Drag Strips and Dry Lips

For almost all of freshman year my bike rides were limited to one direction, North. Sure there was a great mountain with quite the view, but the roads were often crowded and the aggressive truck drivers showed very clearly just how little they thought of bikers. One day my roommate Alec and I decided that we needed a break from Waggoner’s Gap Road, and decided to head in the direction of the college farm. The ride starts out through Carlisle on West High Street.  Winding through traffic proved to be stressful, but once we came to Petersburg Road, the cars thinned and the rolling hills were all ours.


The first sight was the Carlisle airport. Having never flown into Carlisle I was surprised to see an active runway complete with an old cargo plane on display.  I didn’t want to get too close to the runway to snap a photo of this plane head on, so all I managed was this ugly shot.  The Carlisle airport offers flight lessons and convenient trips to Harrisburg and Philadelphia.

Screen Shot 2013-10-01 at 2.14.31 PM

Once we passed the turn for the college farm we were truly in uncharted territory. The first surprise was a seemingly abandoned drag strip.  Here Alec and I raced each other down the eighth of a mile road. The place is named Quarter Aces Drag-O-Way and during the summer have races every weekend. In the meantime I’m sure nobody would notice if a few Dickinson students wanted to race each other…..I managed to snap of photo of my bike as I cruised down the strip

Screen Shot 2013-10-01 at 2.14.58 PMAt this point it was above ninety degrees outside and both Alec and I were struggling with the final hill. As this profile I made on Map My Ride shows, the final hill is worse than everything before it.  Drenched in sweat and carrying only empty water bottles we made it to the top.  There, only ten miles out of Dickinson is The Western terminus of the Mason Dixon trail.  This 200 miles path follows part of the Appalachian Trail, and ends on the Delaware Border.  There are many interesting camping spots, and it is a great, easy destination for the Carlisle Community.

We dunked our heads in the cold stream which runs through and began the descent back to campus.  Clearly there is much to be explored just beyond the limestone buildings of Dickinson.  The varied sights we saw are just a smidgen of what is out there.


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An idea


Does this look familiar?

A few weeks ago my friend asked if I wanted to check out a rope swing on the nearby Conodoguinet River.  A mere five minutes later, several of my friends and I were climbing a 40 foot fallen tree and taking the exhilarating plunge into the murky waters below.  I am a sophomore at Dickinson and for the past year I have been exploring the Carlisle area, but this spot was all new to me. How could it be that so few people at Dickinson know about their surroundings outside of campus? The “bubble” of a small college is never more apparent when I talk to some of my friends who only leave campus to eat at the local chipotle.

1176258_722369011110030_1035334598_nMy blog will document my experiences exploring Cumberland County primarily on my bike. It will highlight the hidden gems of the area, but also talk about the areas of poverty and disrepair with the goal of ultimately improving such places. If I meet locals on my trips I will talk to them about the area, learn about the history, and hopefully strengthen relationships between the school and the town.  On my trip to the rope swing I talked with some locals about a nearby cave system, and learned that it was once used by bandits to escape underground after a heist. I envision that my blog will be able to talk about all these things. If an area needs cleaning, students will come with trash bags in hand. My blog will first and foremost show people of Dickinson routes through the countryside that they can easily follow.


There is a veritable “bubble” around the Dickinson campus.  People who I talk to rarely venture as far the center of town, if at all. However this may not entirely be due to general apathy, and be more from lack of information. There is a demand for my blog, and I can’t wait to start designing and writing.

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Are we not all just HUMAN!


Take this opportunity to get to know a friend of mine and an extraordinary poet, Miles Hodges!

(Click the link below)

Getting to Know Miles Hodge, An Ordinary Guy!


It is my dream that I will one day be walking down the red carpet and hear photographers, fans, and correspondents screaming my name. But my fear is that the life I once knew as private and sheltered will be no more. People will judge me harshly on what I wear, how I respond to controversy, and the people I surround myself with. So I decided to start this blog as a way to show society that ordinary people like myself will one day transcend into the public eye but emphasizing the fact that we started off just like everyone else. I, Nasir Ellis, age 20, grew in the upper west side of Manhattan with my paternal grandparents. Long walks in the park and getting caught in the rain are not my favorite things sadly. But I do enjoy beautiful scenery, vanilla bean ice cream, and intense games of squash! Fashion, music, and anything entertainment related is right up my alley. I have probably memorized the lyrics of over 1,000 songs by now and can tell you the major events in the careers of artists like Beyoncé, Drake, and Chris Brown. I’m not sure at what point did entertainment become so important to me but someday in the near future I will appear on your television screens as on camera personality/correspondent. I just hope that when that day comes I have managed to maintain the fact that I am just as normal as the next guy and deserve to be treated that way.

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Blog Proposal

For my blog I want to focus on the theme of happiness. I hope to publish a combination of stories, quotes, interviews, challenges, images, videos, conversations, and reflections on this topic.


Last semester I studied abroad in Copenhagen, Denmark, which was recently ranked the happiest country in the world by the United Nations. While I was abroad I became very preoccupied with this idea and curious about what the Danes might be doing differently from the rest of the world. Maybe there isn’t one right answer to this question, but it seems to me that it is something worth exploring. One way I would like to explore this is by simply asking people what makes them happy. I intend to do a number of interviews and for this blog to showcase a variety of different voices and opinions. I am also very interested in figuring out what kind of little things people can do on a daily basis to make their days a little happier.


I have additionally always kept a folder on my laptop with pictures, videos, stories, etc. that I can use to cheer up people when they’re having a bad day. I envision this blog as becoming an even larger extension of this folder and something I can go to when I want to brighten someone’s day.


Quite a few of the blogs I examined while researching current trends in this field of “happiness blogging” focused a lot on the field of positive psychology. Positive psychology is essentially a field of study dedicated to helping people become happier. My blog may differ a bit from several that I examined because unlike some of the blog authors I do not have any background in this field. I think because of this my posts may be more informal, and less academically based. For example, one blog I looked at called, “The Happiness Institute” was created by a professor who has three degrees in psychology and a PH.D. However, seeing how these bloggers incorporated positive psychology into their posts has motivated me to see if I can learn more about this field and use its principles in some of my own posts.


Furthermore, I think my blog will differ from the majority of blogs I looked at because I want images to be a large part of my blog. For example, blogs like “Delivering Happiness” were very textually based and had few images. This blog had very long articles, and each post was formatted in a very similar way. In my blog I plan to vary the style and length of my posts.


The blog that I would most like to model mine after is “The Happiness Project” because this blog has a very colorful, yet simple and clear layout. It additionally does not have any distracting advertisements and all of the different sections of this website are clearly labeled. It also has a lot of creative little features that have provided me with some inspiration for my blog. For example, there is a feature that allows you to sign up for the “Moment of Happiness: A daily happiness quotation in your inbox”. There are also “projects” you can sign up for that challenge you to be proactive in creating your own happiness. I think that this is a great model for me to follow because it makes this blog very engaging and it challenges readers to participate in the authors project.

Liz Bruno

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Humans of Dickinson

When first brainstorming my ideas for my class blog I was torn about what to focus on. In high school I created a blog all about my experiences with the college search process. I thought about continuing this on with my new perspective having doing some work with the admissions office at Dickinson. However, at the end of the day this idea left me pretty uninspired. So back to the drawing board I went. I considered what kind of blog I would want to read and my mind automatically turned to HONY. The field of photojournalist blogs fascinates me. Personally, as a blog reader, I always feel overwhelmed when a blog has too much text. I envision my blog to be a spin-off of Humans of New York but in the setting of Dickinson. While this school does have a close-knit community, this closeness brings with it cliques and stereotypes. I want this blog to be space to celebrate individuality and to break down some of these stereotypes. Growing up with two parents as photographers, being behind the lens is a place I have always been comfortable and curious. This blog would be a fun and inspiring way to get back into photography. I plan on using only disposable cameras for this project because I love their genuine quality. They come with a sense of mystery; you know never when a sun flare or two will make an appearance. I appreciate that there is no room for editing or manipulation of images. It will help to capture an honest portrait of those featured on my blog. So as not to directly copy Humans of New York, I will also write posts about my experiences of going up to people and asking them personal questions. I am really excited for this portion of the project and will hope to develop a set of questions that will stir up some good personal stories.

Humans of New York:

This a photojournalist blog that is primarily image based. Although there are many colors and images to focus on, it somehow still looks clearly laid out. There is a small amount of text on the website and none of it is personal to the blogger himself, which makes it unique. By placing the text under the images (instead of above or side-by-side) the images stand out on their own and are further enhanced by the text. I like that you see the image first and read the text second, it adds a sense of mystique. There are six categories on the header of the webpage that you can click on. These have a layout that is again very focused and user-friendly. I like that there is an archive feature so that you can search back to see how the project began. The blog page is also linked to Facebook, which allows the readership to increase.

Picture 5

Humans of New York. Humansofnewyork.com. 2013. Web. 15 Sep. 2013.


CollegeFashionista is another image heavy blog. Although I am not planning on focusing on fashion for my class project, it will be an entity of my blog. CollegeFashionista is interesting because it takes content from a slew of bloggers who each go to different colleges. This allows the photographs and the text posts about fashion to each have their own style and voice. Some of sassier than others while some are more informative and straightforward. This is a blog that appeals to a lot of different readers and also relies on reader-participation to thrive.

Picture 4

CollegeFashionista. Collegefashionista.com. 2013. Web. 15 Sep. 2013.

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Just Ordinary People

The blog I intend on creating for class was partly inspired by my own anxieties and future career path in the entertainment field. I want to become a television personality/host and so much of my interests (professionally) lie in celebrity news, fashion, music, etc. One of the realities of what I want to do professionally is that I will have to sacrifice one of the life’s most sacred things, privacy.

It is inevitable that I will enter into this world and has always been my goal to help society (friends, family, etc.) understand the fact that celebrities are normal, everyday people. They experience many of the same struggles, trials, and hardships that everyone else does. However, I think that people often forget that and that is why I want to create a blog called “Just Ordinary People”. The goal of the blog is to remove celebrities off of the critical pedestals fans often hold them up to and make them more relatable/human.

How will this work? I will be paying close attention to celebrity’s news (as I already do) to find incidents in which a celebrity is being criticized for a personal choice. I will then do one of two things. Either interview someone who has done or experienced something similar in their life and get the back story to get the details. Or I will use my creative mind to come up with my own story but readers will basically be reading a narrative about a specific occurrence in a mystery person’s life. They will not know who the person is until they reach the end of the story which is when they ultimately realize what celebrity story mirrors the one being told. Hopefully through this I will be able to help bring light to the more humane side of celebrities.

The two blogs I frequently read for celebrity news are:

TheYBF is an online celebrity news, fashion, and music blog which was founded in 2005. The site is managed by Natasha Eubanks who originally created it because she saw a lack of gossip sites that focused on African Americans. Therefore, It primarily focuses on the happenings amongst the African American figures in Hollywood and does an amazing job at giving the reader a well rounded story. In addition to that, the voice she delivers her content in is so down to earth, straightforward, and relatable that it keeps the reader coming back.

NecoleBitchie is an online blog that focuses and features celebrity news and interviews. Necole Kane started the website in 2009 and is currently the sole author of its content. This blog in particular inspires my interest because of Necole’s ability to be so up close and personal with the celebrity world. Through her posts readers are able to gain a better understanding of individual celebrities and can find common ground. The layout she has is very attractive and gives me the feeling that I am apart of a secret society of celebrity gossip.



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Food, Security, Love

“It seems to me that our three basic needs, for food and security and love, are so mixed and mingled and entwined that we cannot straightly think of one without the others. So it happens that when I write of hunger, I am really writing about love and the hunger for it, and warmth and the love of it and the hunger for it… and then the warmth and richness and fine reality of hunger satisfied… and it is all one.”  – M.F.K. Fisher

Gastronomic Permaculture is not simply an idea for a blog, but rather gastronomic permaculture integrates ourselves, our food, our community and our earth and recognizes that every meal is accomplished in an ecosystem, and it is the convergence our our three basic needs: nourishment, security and love. The Gastronomic Permaculture Manifesto outlines the basics of how to source, shop, cook, eat and design in a way that is not only good for the environment, but in a way that is good for your mental and physical wellbeing as well as the wellbeing of everyone else you come into contact with inside your intentionally designed food system.

The purpose of the blog is the inspire, educate and provide resources to those who are either already familiar with Permaculture or those who have never encountered Permaculture, but are interested in cooking and eating in a regenerative fashion. The eventual goal is to also start a conversation amongst the blog community as to the nature of cooking and eating sustainably and hopefully have it begin to take a life of it’s own, allowing others to change and adjust the principles in a way that they think fulfills the ethics and principles of Permaculture more directly.

For the duration of the school year, a post a week with the addition of a guest post is the goal for frequency of updates, but with each post fulfilling one of the three goals of the website. Photos, illustration and video would all be key elements to posts, making the schedule rather ambitious. During break, the schedule would potentially change to two a week and two guest posts.

Because of the nature of Gastronomic Permaculture, the guest posting is actually a rather key element. Since certain aspects of Gastronomic Permaculture are rather abstract, having multiple writers allows for the reader to have a fuller understanding of the flexibility of the principles and how it’s possible to cook and eat following the ethics and principals of Gastronomic Permaculture in any situation, be it in a college residence hall, a home with limited kitchen access, or even with no kitchen at all. It is also an important element because it takes what is normally a very lofty and academic definition for both Permaculture and Gastronomic Permaculture and makes it more approachable, through having multiple people explaining why it’s easily done simply through thoughtful and intentional purchasing and choices.

Over five months of research has gone into the work I currently have and have collaborated on with Ema Williamson. Throughout those five months of research, I have failed to find anything that combines Permaculture and cooking in a well researched and debated way, let alone takes those principles and makes it accessible for the average, food-enthusiast reader.

There are many other blogs that talk about these subjects separately, Deb Perelman’s Smitten Kitchen, Green Kitchen Stories, Kelpie Wilson’s Green Your Head, David Holmgren’s Design site, and Geoff Lawton are all bloggers and authors who have approached cooking and Permaculture in ways that have been influential in their particular field, but none have combined the two in a way that is thoughtful, meaningful and useful. None have entirely pieced together the full idea of how to create a sustainable food system that fully realizes the potential of a regeneratively functioning food system.

Perelman, Deb. Smitten Kitchen. Martha’s Circle, n.d. Web. 15 Sept. 2013. http://smittenkitchen.com/

Frenkiel, David, and Luise Frenkiel. “Green Kitchen Stories » The Healthy Vegetarian Recipe Blog.” Green Kitchen Stories » The Healthy Vegetarian Recipe Blog. N.p., n.d. Web. 15 Sept. 2013. http://www.greenkitchenstories.com/

Wilson, Kelpie. “Green Your Head.” ‘Green Your Head’ N.p., n.d. Web. 15 Sept. 2013. http://www.greenyourhead.com/

Holmgren, David. “Holmgren Design.” Holmgren Design. N.p., n.d. Web. 15 Sept. 2013. http://holmgren.com.au/

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Blog topic proposal

Trying to figure out an idea for my blog is proved to be pretty difficult. Nevertheless, I finally decided on focusing on writing about exercise and health. For the past eight year I have been an avid gym goer. I would not in the least bit consider myself to be a professional or trainer. However, I do have a lot of knowledge in regards to exercises and eating healthy, which still proves to be difficult in college. Especially when your options here are the quarry, the snar, or … the café.

Even though I am not a professional, I know the struggles of trying loose weight. Not many people know this but when I was a twelve I weighed 120 pounds, the normal weight for kids that age is 85-90. So basically, I used to look like a ball with appendages and a head as a kid. It took up until middle school when I became serious about loosing weight and living a healthier life. However, I had to do that on my own by researching new work out plans, cardio ideas, and different diets to get me to my target weight.  Through this blog I wish to share all the knowledge I have to help out anyone who is looking for ideas of how to become healthier.

The ideas I have for the layout of my website will probably be filled with some of my favorite motivational quotes. These quotes I plan to change not daily but often. Along with the quotes I am probably going to decorate the layout with logos having to do with sports, the gym, supplement brand names. I have not really thought that much farther but I am trying to in a way mimic layouts like elitedaily.com and menshealth.com.

Along with the layout, I plan to upload videos covering the more advanced exercises I would recommend people to try.  As Brian Carroll explained it, short clips usually are preferred on blog site, also visual aids will assure that each exercise is executed perfectly.

My blog covers both exercising and dieting. For the dieting aspect, I decided on attaching hyperlinks onto my blogs with how to make certain meals. Each post would describe the best type of meals to have after work out. The posts will even include meals to have after a weekends when everyone is having / feeling a fat day Monday. Each of the hyper links I post for the meals are going to include the meal I delineate in the post.

As I mentioned before I am not a professional at this, and I am always learning different routines and diets every day. However, I know how hard it can be to loose those few extra pounds to get ready for beach season. The hardest part about any routine is starting trust me I know. However, as soon as you start incorporating this into your lifestyle, making it a proclivity of your life it becomes easier in the sense of gaining the mindset to attain your goal. Through these posts I am hoping to provide people with tips of where to start and how to keep pushing through.

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“Playlists for the People” Blog Proposition

I plan on creating a blog focused on playlists called “Playlists for the People.” I was inspired to make a blog like this by my passion for making music, listening to music, and collecting music in general. On “Playlists for the People,” I would create and post weekly playlists featuring a variety of different genres. Each playlist will have a theme and act as a soundtrack for everyday life. Some playlist ideas include: songs for a lazy day, songs for when you just need a break, songs that will make you have a better day, songs about the sun. The goals for my blog to are to be universally appealing and relatable, and to provide readers with new music to listen to for every mood or situation in life. In my search for similar blogs, I found it very difficult to come up with one centered around playlists. However, I perused a couple of music blogs in general, and one called Gorilla Vs. Bear especially stood out. Gorilla Vs. Bear focuses on up and coming bands and artists, and features youtube videos and soundcloud links to songs. While the site was very busy and confusing to navigate, the actual music content was easy to access. It also is updated frequently and has a good following online. I wish Gorilla vs. Bear would give more textual descriptions of the songs they feature because I don’t want to click on a song that I wouldn’t like to hear. I felt as if the blog had no real voice or personality to accompany the music posted. The website that is most relevant to my project is 8tracks. 8tracks is a very popular music sharing website in which people post playlists rather than songs. On 8tracks, you can search playlists according to what mood you are in or what music appeals to you. It is extremely easy to use and navigate, serves a specific purpose, and attracts all types of music listeners. I tentatively plan on using 8tracks to upload the playlists I post on my own blog.


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Roll It Right – Empower The Mind. Change The World

People today are so caught up doing what they are told to do that they fail to even realize what they, as individuals want. We are not meant to live our lives as the humanoids that we have become today. Most of us rarely get the chance to explore the vast possibilities of this world and are almost forced into doing what everyone else around them is doing. The main focus of my project is to encourage people to question everything around them, discover what it is that they want out of their lives and inspire them to actively pursue it. Through the vast array of media, we are continuously bombarded by information and most people tend to believe all that we are told without ever exploring the issues. We have lost the knack of questioning and exploring what we come across and finding out the truth for ourselves. In other words, most of us have stopped forming opinions of our own which forms a large part of our experience as the intellectual beings that we are.

Through the writings on my blog, I want to inspire people to discover what it is that they want from their lives. Not only that, I also hope to propel those who already know what they want, to actually pursue it because most people who know what they want are often deterred from following their dreams just because what they want is unconventional, or not ‘normal’ or just difficult. I want people to realize that there is nothing that we as humans are not capable of achieving, as individuals and as mankind as a whole. Most people tend to believe that they are powerless against the circumstances they come across. I intend to spread the message to my readers that this is an illusion. We are capable of achieving anything and everything if we put our minds to it.

As the blog works around the ideas of change, collective as well as individual development, and bettering the lives of oneself and of others, I intend on starting a section where once every 3 months or so, I will present a story of people from some part of the world who could benefit greatly from any sort of help, and carry out fund raising either online or outside of the internet. The planning for the first of these projects is already underway and will be on the blog soon. Aside from these posts and projects, the blog will also feature some of my works in photography. So the website will be divided into three sections: Blog posts, philanthropy and photography. The three will be working in tandem towards the goal of the project – inspire people, raise awareness amongst the people about the world around them, and bring positive changes around us no matter how big or small it might be. The articles on the blog will have links to connecting sources within and outside the blog to allow people to further explore the subject matter of the articles. As for the design and layout, I intend to keep it easy on the eyes and keep colors to a minimal apart from the images in the blog.

Below I have listed a couple of blogs that share similar goals to those of my own and work on related subjects.

Martino, Joe. Web log. Collective Evolution. N.p., 2009. Web. 15 Sept. 2013 <http://www.collective-evolution.com/ >

Collective Evolution is a website/blog whose mission is to raise awareness amongst the people about things that are going on around us and have significant impacts on our lives but most people aren’t really aware of and how they affect our own lives. The blog covers a wide variety of subjects from politics, to medical science, environmental issues and industries among others.

Author. Web log. The Healers Journal. N.p., 2011. Web. 15 Sept. 2013 <http://www.thehealersjournal.com/ >

The Healers Journal is a blog that focuses on how people can best empower their minds towards achieving their goals and bringing change. It takes a look at how our minds function through various perspectives of psychology, quantum physics, and spirituality and how we can direct our lives through greater consciousness and a better understanding of our minds.

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