Buzz Jones Big Band
Wednesday August 9, 2023
ATS Auditorium
Dickinson College
6:30 PM
The event is free and open to the public. Refreshments will be provided. The concert location is the Anita Tuvin Schlechter (ATS) Auditorium, 360 West Louther Street, Carlisle PA

The 16-member ensemble is recognized as one of the best in its genre in the Middle-Atlantic States and has opened for Tony Bennett, The Temptations and Bob Newhart. John (Buzz) Jones a professor of music emeritus at Gettysburg College. He served as Director of Bands, Music Department Chair, Director of the Sunderman Conservatory of Music, and Director of the Jazz Ensemble. He also taught courses in theory and jazz history and coordinated the 2012 Gettysburg College England Program as a Senior Teaching Fellow at Lancaster University. Buzz led numerous summer tours abroad with the college jazz ensemble and the Buzz Jones Big Band performing at major festivals in Switzerland, Turkey, France, The Netherlands, and Italy.