Rose Garden

By Nate Woods

01/31/2024: This is a tree. It looks cool.

01/30/2024: The rose garden at the beginning of the semester

03/25/2024: Here are two creatures I made (inspired by the rose garden in late March) Guy on the left must be called “the magishroom”

03/22/2024: This is another little guy I made inspired by the rose garden. Lowkey passive aggressive with the foot on the bench.

02/14/2024: This was Valentine’s day, but I didn’t have a valentine so I had time to make this journal entry. Very fun, very cool.

03/02/2024: This wasn’t even taken at the rose garden but it was the same night as my 2:00am place visit, and it looks pretty cool.

03/02/2024: This is that 2am place visit journal entry

04/13/2024: This is not even in the same state as the rose garden but it’s a pretty gnarly looking tree, right?

05/28/2023: Check out this sick lizard I found in a completely different rose garden last year.

04/17/2024: Back on track, here’s my attention to insects entry. I picked this because there’s a cute ladybug drawing.

04/17/2024: Carolina mantis spotted by rose garden

04/12/2024: Look at this guy

07/31/2024: Look at this weird bird

07/29/2024: Look at this egg with a little bird hat

05/27/2024: Ancient human remains found in catacombs beneath rose garden at Dickinson college

08/05/2024: Endangered green sea turtle spotted in one of their last safe havens on earth: the rose garden at Dickinson College

01/28/2024: Unlike everything previously, this is not at the rose garden, but it is an abandoned building overrun by nature in the middle of the woods by my home that nobody goes to, and visiting here feels a lot like the solitude and mindfulness of a place visit. It brings a feeling of peace to my soul that is very familiar to how I felt at the rose garden. I can say that at home, this is my spot. I believe this is an appropriate post to end on.

12/24/2023: Haha jk! Look at this puppy eating my foot!