ENGL 331-01: Romantic and Victorian Poetry
Dickinson College, Spring 2023
Tues/Fri 1:30-2:45
Course Description
This course will introduce students to Romantic and Victorian poetry as well as British literature and culture. Through close reading of a range of canonical and non-canonical works the course will ask questions about the social and cultural frameworks that shaped the poetics of the period and the. Authors covered will range from the 1780s through the 1890s and may include authors such as Robinson, Byron, Wordsworth, Coleridge, the Brownings, the Rossettis, Hopkins, Tennyson, Kipling, Wilde, Tennyson, Swinburne, Field, and Caird. We will approach the poetry to see how the forms of these poems intersect with debates during the era with regards to imperialism, the nature of race, the experience of disability, the woman question, masculinity, socialism, and aestheticism.
This course may count as a pre-1800 300-level literature class, depending on the student’s research. Those students who wish to earn pre-1800 credit must inform me before add/drop is over, and I will inform the registrar and supplement and guide research accordingly. Students must satisfactorily complete the final paper as a pre-1800 course to receive pre-1800 credit.
Contact Information:
Professor Sarah E. Kersh
Office: East College 413
Office Hours: TBA
Office phone: 717-254-8952