About Me

About Me: Caleb Chastain

My name is Caleb Chastain, I hail from Reisterstown, Maryland, a small town in northern Baltimore County. I am a double major in Law and Policy and Political Science here at Dickinson College, so a class on cooking is a welcome change of pace from the constant social sciences and writing courses I am taking. As long as I can remember, I have loved cooking. Whether it was baking cookies with my grandparents, or making nachos and Chili on Sundays while watching football, cooking and eating food has always been a core part of  who I am. Despite this, I have never had the opportunity to take a specific cooking focused class before now, I have always just kind of gone off the cuff when cooking in the past so I am looking foreword to learning the scientific principles that make recipes work in order to take my off the cuff dishes to the next level.

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