Science of Recipe- Coconut Macaroons

Coconut macaroons have always been an easy go-to recipe in my house. They’re tasty, light, and hard to mess up. For this reason, I decided to experiment with them for this blog post. There are various aspects of this recipe that we have learned about in class, including whipping egg whites into foam. There are …

About Me

About me: Zavella Sanders

Hello there! I’m Zavella Sanders a Junior at Dickinson College. Currently I study International business management and plan to minor in both Chinese and Economics. I don’t really have a particular favorite for food but I have a love for hot sauce and anything with some spice. I enjoy reading for fun and listening to …

Science of the Recipe: Croissants

This food blog is by Isaiah Bañuelos and Caleb Chastain  When we think of croissants, we often think about these amazing bread that is delicious. While that thought is true, the process for croissants is actually quite tedious and labor-intensive. You can use this post as a way to explore not only the process and …