Ovid, Amores Book 1

The DCC edition of Ovid’s Amores Book I, with notes and essays by William Turpin, is now up and ready to be used: http://dcc.dickinson.edu/

This is the first non-pilot, freshly authored and created digital edition in our series. I think it shows off nicely what can be done to enhance the reading experience of a classical text in the digital realm.

In addition to the notes, features include:

  • essays on each poem by William Turpin, with bibliography
  • images/illustrations for all poems chosen and annotated by Chris Francese
  • audio recordings for 1.1 and 1.5 by Meghan Reedy
  • vocabulary lists that gloss words not in the 1,000-word DCC core Latin vocabulary
  • an annotated Google Earth map of all places mentioned in the text, created by Dickinson student Merri Wilson

I am tremendously grateful to all who contributed time and advice and ideas. The list of acknowledgments will give an idea of how many people helped. Please let me know if you have any thoughts or suggestions.

–Chris Francese

2 thoughts on “Ovid, Amores Book 1

  1. Dear Dr Turpin,

    I bumped into your website today. As I had an accident and I am bed ridden, convalescing —I did Latin part I among other subjects at college for 2 years then switched to linguistiscs for the next 2—– but for the last 10 years but I have been working overseas as EFL teacher trainer,thus my Latin is a bit rusty, I was overjoyed when I came across your notes on Ovid’s Amores. They are brilliant! But to my dismay the conclusion of all the carmina are missing. I am using a smartphone as more practical in bed and I am wondering whether there is something wrong with my phone or it is intentional. Please, advise
    Thanks for your time.

    • Thank you for your kind words, Lea. I suspect the problem has to do with the fact that our site is not very mobile-friendly at this point. But rest assured we are working on that. I will post on the blog as soon as we get that sorted. Thanks again for writing,
      –Chris Francese

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