PennEnvironment Summer Internships!

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Summer Internships to Protect our Environment
If you care about the environment and want to make a difference, apply to be a PennEnvironment intern today.
What do interns with PennEnvironment do?  You’ll help us educate and engage citizens on the most critical environmental issues of our time. You’ll help us get our issues into the media, build coalitions, organize events and lobby decision-makers. Ultimately, you’ll help us build the kind of public support it takes to win.
Our Campaigns
Do you want 100% renewable energy? We’re committed to a 100% renewable energy future, and we’re advocating for policies that will bring more solar and wind power to more people and communities right now.
Do you want to save bees and other pollinators from extinction? A recent U.N. report found that bees and other pollinators are facing extinction – and given that bees pollinate everything from almonds to strawberries, we know that “no bees” means “no food.” So we’re gathering support for a ban on toxic ‘neonicotinoid’ pesticides.
Do you want to keep our public lands permanently protected and in public hands? We believe we need more wilderness, more national parks, and more public lands that are permanently protected. So we’re getting the word out through the media to not only stop reckless moves to sell off our public lands or open them to mining, drilling and development. We want to expand their protection and establish more national monuments.
Thinking boldly about a green future is a start, but we know it’s not enough.
Become a PennEnvironment intern
If you agree that it’s time to solve these big environmental problems, the best thing you can do to get involved is to apply to be a PennEnvironment intern today. We’re currently hiring for the summer of 2017.
We’re looking for students who care deeply about the environment and are ready to make a difference now.
As an intern:
o You’ll learn how to push for smart solutions to environmental problems, and build the public support it takes to win 
o You’ll work side-by- side with one of our advocates, learning the ropes.
o You’ll reach out to and engage with citizens to leverage grassroots power
o And you’ll attend briefings and trainings to learn even more about environmental issues and gain organizing skill
And if you’re thinking you might want to make a career out of campaigning to solve big environmental problems like global warming – interning with PennEnvironment is one of the best ways to get started.
Not only will you get the training and experience you need, but we hire our most talented and committed interns to join our full time staff when they graduate.
We’re hiring interns in Philadelphia and Pittsburgh, and have sister organizations in many cities across the country.Apply Today!