DCNR Career Opportunities in Bureau of Forestry

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“The DCNR Bureau of Forestry welcomes the next generation of workers who will safeguard our forests for years to come.”

Positions and Requirements:

  • Foresters: “spend much of their time in the forest, conducting and supervising forest management work.”
    • Forester (general)
    • Service Forester
    • Fire Forester
    • Forest Health Forester
    • Recreation Forester
    • Gas Forester
    • Watershed Forester
  • Managers: “function at the district level within the 20 forest districts or work out of the Central Office in Harrisburg.”
    • Forest Assistant Manager
    • Forest District Manager
    • Division and Section Chiefs
    • Assistant/State Forester
  • Program Specialists: “do a wide range of management-level tasks.”
    • Wildlife/Fish Biologist
    • Botanist
    • Forest Pathologist
    • Forest Ecologist
    • Silviculture Specialist
    • GIS/Geospatial Specialist
    • Fire Prevention Specialist
    • Geologic Scientist
    • Community Forestry Specialist
    • Resource Planning Specialist
    • Communications Specialist
  • Rangers: “work in forest districts throughout the state.”
  • Maintenance personnel: “are responsible for the operation and upkeep of district equipment and other assets.”
    • Forest Maintenance Supervisor
    • Equipment Operator
    • Auto Mechanic Supervisor
    • Auto/Diesel Mechanic
  • Forest Technicians: “spend nearly all work time in the forest, carrying out a wide array of forest management tasks.”

Link to Apply for the above opportunities: https://www.dcnr.pa.gov/JobsatDCNR/Pages/default.aspx