Job fair in Harrisburg

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2015 Spring Job Fair
March 31 • 9:00-Noon
Harrisburg, PA

The Pennsylvania Council of Professional Geologists (PCPG) will hold a Spring student job fair ahead of the Annual Meeting Luncheon on Tuesday, March 31 at Harrisburg Holiday Inn East, 4751 Lindle Road, Harrisburg, Pennsylvania from 9:00 AM – Noon.

Whether you’re a student or graduate looking for an internship, summer employment or a career opportunity, this event will present you with the opportunity to meet with potential employers as well as experienced professionals who can offer both perspective and advice to those looking for their first or different opportunities. Firms such as Seismic Surveys, Skelly & Loy, RETTEW, ERM, and Zephyr are among up to 15 employers invited.  We’ve also invited DEP, DCNR and Bureau of Topographic and Geologic Survey for you to explore opportunities in the public sector.

Students and job seekers can register for the March 31 job fair at no charge (does not include PCPG Annual Meeting).

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