Outreach and Program Manager, Southwest Climate Science Center

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The Southwest Climate Science Center (SW CSC) is seeking an Outreach and Program Manager who can bring creativity, curiosity, and excellent project management skills to our collaborative work environment.

The SW CSC, housed in the University of Arizona’s Institute of the Environment, is one of eight CSCs funded by the Department of the Interior, whose mission is to provide scientific information, tools, and techniques to natural and cultural resources managers in order to help them anticipate, monitor, and adapt to climate change. We help connect climate science to decision making using innovative approaches to engagement, bring together diverse teams of researchers and stakeholders, and bridge the boundaries too often seen between research and application of science. The SW CSC is a consortium of six universities in the Southwest partnered with the U.S. Geological Survey.

The successful applicant will report to the University SW CSC Director, and also work with the Federal SW CSC Director, and University principal investigators to develop effective and innovative outreach strategies, coordinate communication between the research team and regional climate stakeholders, and coordinate communication between and among the research team.

The outreach and program manager will possess a unique blend of skills and talents, including: sufficient scientific understanding to quickly grasp key insights from climate research; well-honed oral and written communication skills to efficiently translate science for non-expert audiences and also to help communicate stakeholder needs and concerns to scientists; the confidence and organizational skills to help coordinate a dynamic research team; a well-developed set of project management skills.

To apply: Visit the University of Arizona Human Resources website and search for Job Number 55973.

Please direct questions to: Alison Meadow, meadow@email.arizona.edu

Outstanding UA benefits include health, dental, and vision insurance plans; life insurance and disability programs; paid vacation, sick leave, and holidays; UA/ASU/NAU tuition reduction for the employee and qualified family members; state and optional retirement plans; access to UA recreation and cultural activities; and more!