Month: February 2020 (Page 3 of 8)

Sources for Project #2

I have been doing some research into how to create a meaningful and impactful mini documentary.  This article discussed that everyone has something to say, and something we care about, but it is how we film it that makes a difference.  Everyone needs a why, and it is important to find the why before filming begins. The “why” serves as the main influence, motivation, and guiding factor throughout the process.

This week, my focus was to lean more on modern articles that talked about storytelling through food. I wasn’t surprised to find out that food gives people the ability to talk difficult and personal things. This article touched on the ways in which food practices have been vital to healing historical trauma, recalling childhood experiences as farm workers, and combating urban violence. It was important for me to understand the vulnerability that comes alongside storytelling. I hope to notice and honor this during our interview process. 

Community Gardening References

Turner, Bethaney. “Embodied Connections: Sustainability, Food Systems and Community Gardens.” Local Environment., vol. 16, no. 6, Carfax International Publishers,, July 2011, pp. 509–22, doi:10.1080/13549839.2011.569537.

This source digs more deeply into the opportunities of community gardens to create more sustainable food systems. It highlights that community gardens can become  catalysts for sustainability in urban living and in what ways they promote sustainability in cities. This resource can be used in our project to explore the environmental impact of community gardening in urban spaces, particularly in how they affect views of the natural environment and environment-consciousness in cities.

Gregory, Megan M., Timothy W. Leslie, and Laurie E. Drinkwater. “Agroecological and social characteristics of New York city community gardens: contributions to urban food security, ecosystem services, and environmental education.” Urban ecosystems 19.2 (2016): 763-794.

This source pulls from research at several NYC community gardens and analyzes their ecological contributions to the surrounding area. This will assist in understanding some potential environmental impacts of gardens.


Annotations for Final Project

This article explores how food memories contribute to the construction of migrant identities and cultural practices. Often times migrant communities seek to create a home away from home through cooking, sharing, and consuming ethnic food. The article argues that food is central to the ways migrants identify themselves both in an individual and collective way. This source will provide background information on food, memory, and identity while giving us specific examples from the Cameroonian community in Cape Town, South Africa. 

During the constant movement and relocation immigrants experience, food has the ability to give people a sense of place or belonging.  From production, preparation, or consumption individuals and groups craft their identities around these different goods and lifestyles.  This article will help us to understand how others have used food to find their sense of belonging while constantly moving. This source can also give us some ideas on the types of interview questions we would like to ask people.


Description of ‘unessay’ project + sources

  • research 2 articles that can help you build your critical understanding of your topic,

Sandler, R. L. (2014). Food Ethics: the basics “Food and Culture”. Routledge.

Dickinson Archives primary sources.

  • define your field more precisely (identify its limits and area of interest),

Over the course of my four years at Dickinson and as an academic with a food studies focus; I find that food has become commonplace in most settings and fields. The focus of food plays a pivotal role in our lives, more than we often give credit to. In this project, I want to bridge the gap between Dickinson Students, Faculty and community members who have access to the library and the immense amount of information that is available. This project will look at the intersection of food and culture. Specifically, I want to look at Dickinson Archives and find parallels between food, culture and archival records. For instance, Dickinson College did not always have a farm, what led to this addition? Dickinson did not always have farm to table events, how did this contribute to the community? I am also interested in looking at the different food related organizations and institutions that led to the modernity of food as it exists here in the Dickinson community and communities in proximity to Dickinson, specifically Project SHARE and the weekly Farmers Market. This project is relevant in the community on the premise that food is too often overlooked in discourse surrounding culture, history and institutions as they exist in the modern world. Through a carefully curated exhibition, I hope to illuminate areas where people might not be aware of food studies and how it has played a formative role in society overall. This project will also offer me the opportunity to utilize a department/facility I have not gotten to experience yet and will provide me with a new skillset in curating exhibitions and learning more about contextualized events and experiences throughout chronology. For the final ‘unessay’ project, a finished product will reflect my use of the Dickinson Archives, academic literature, and a curated exhibition in the library that expresses the major takeaways from my findings. As I meet with Malinda Triller-Doran, the Special Collections Librarian, my project focus will developed into a more focused topic and prominent themes.

Tampopo and Li Ziqi

Tampopo was an amazing movie that offered insight on Japanese culture, humor, and food establishments. I enjoyed that I was able to connect to the movie despite not being a part of Japanese culture, and the cinematography was also very intriguing and captivating. In all honesty, the story line did not make much sense, but that did not prohibit the movie from being amazing. An interesting point that I noted was the emphasis on noodles, and the main characters infatuation with ‘mastering’ how to make good ramen, or the best ramen in Japan. What does the climax, surrounding the trope of mastering ramen, tell us about Japanese culture and food? What should be the major takeaway from the movie?


Questions for Professor Ray Yang:

  1. What served as a catalyst for your interests in East Asian foodways?
  2. How has media influenced the way food is experienced in East Asian countries, specifically blogging about Chinese cuisine?

Tampopo Thoughts and Questions

Tampopo was fantastic at catching and maintaining my interest in the cooking that occurred throughout the movie. I thought the movie was both aesthetically pleasing and heartwarming to watch others experience food. I found the scenes involving the lovers particularly interesting as it shows how food can be erogenous and a catalyst for a multitude of sensory experiences.

What techniques do filmmakers use that immerse the viewer and have them relate to the different tastes, senses, and values of the characters?
What was happening with passing a raw yolk back and forth?
Do you have any critiques of Tampopo?

Week 5: Movie Questions + References & Annotations

Questions for Movie:
In both videos/media, food and cooking are essential to the cinematography, the way of life, and for the characters. What does this do for people watching? Is there an obsession with watching people prepare food? Eat food? What is the impact of watching people cook? Why is this so relevant in today’s media savvy age?

References for Project:
Avakian, Arlene Voski, and Barbara Haber, eds. From Betty Crocker to Feminist Food Studies: Critical Perspectives on Women and Food. University of Massachusetts Press, 2005. Accessed February 21, 2020.

Stead, Valerie. “Belonging and Women Entrepreneurs: Women’s Navigation of Gendered Assumptions in Entrepreneurial Practice.” International Small Business Journal 35, no. 1 (February 2017): 61–77. doi:10.1177/0266242615594413.



This is a platform with behavior change methodologies. Rare believes that Climate Change Needs Behavior Change. Dickinson has a good sustained partnership with Rare following the 2017 Rose-Walters Prize and the 2019 Be.HiveU Summit on Dickinson’s campus.

This is a method that another group used to make design changes for behavior change.  This would likely apply better for the Union Station, which is a place I am more familiar with and may be a place for more applicable change and before scaling to other dining locations.



Questions on Tampopo and Li Ziqi

Prof. Bates, do you think that the expository scenes in the movie detract from the main plot line, and is telling the story of Tampopo the goal of the film?

Prof. Yang, with the rise in popularity of food videos globally, why do you think Li Ziqi’s videos are so popular and successful? Surely she is not the only one doing slice-of-life food preparation of family recipes.

Annotated Bibliography

Annotated Bibliography

Bent M. Sorensen. “The method of juxtaposition: Unfolding the visual turn in organization studies”

This article describes the method of contrasting duality through juxtaposition. By linking content and form, an intimate contrast can be produced through juxtaposition. I will use this article as a theoretical and practical foundation for me and Adam’s project, where we will contrast farmer’s market experience with that of grocery store consumption. I hope to do a side by side video project, which elicits an emotional response to the difference between the two lived realities.

Harrington, Lisa M. Butler. Alternative and Virtual Rurality: Agriculture and the Countryside as Embodied in American Imagination

This article discusses the American imagination as it relates to notions of rurality, countryside, and agriculture. It explains the fondness which perpetuates that is directed at rural communities and lifestyles, and provides rationale for agro-tourism, including visiting farms, farmers markets, and the imposition of small-scale agriculture. This article will inform the aesthetics of our project, providing a basis for our emotional appeal to rurality and the purity of the farm to table lifestyle.



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