Source 1: Local News Article: Lancaster’s School Districts Step Up to Meet Students’ Needs Amid Crisis
The federal government cleared Pennsylvania to serve meals to students from low-income families while the school closures persist.
Source 2: Local Website: Support Local Restaurants
Now more than ever we need to support local restaurants! Gather around this list of delicious options for local dining and support them in creative ways, all while enjoying every bite.
Source 3: Local News Article: Lancaster Meals on Wheels Tweaks Home Delivery to Vulnerable in Age of COVID-19
Meals on Wheels continues to provide food to 350 homebound people in Lancaster.
Source 4: Local News Article: Central Market to Open Tomorrow with Reserved First Hour
Central Market will be open from 7 a.m. to 2 p.m. Friday, but have asked that 7 a.m. to 8 a.m. be reserved for the elderly and those who are immunocompromised.
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