This semester, students enrolled in the Introduction to Food Studies Course will be working collaboratively to share what they are learning in class. We invite you to tag along and learn with us! This course provides an introductory overview of the interdisciplinary and dynamic field of food studies. Over the course of the fall semester, we will learn about the production and procurement of food, as well as its place in history, health, and the sciences. We will also examine ethical, cultural, and spiritual meanings of food and their impact on our daily lives and food choices. The course includes a
variety of teaching methodologies, including lectures, class discussions, and field trips in addition to individual and group assignments.
By the end of the course, students will know more about food systems and food culture, be able to examine food systems and food culture from multiple disciplines and diverse perspectives, apply different disciplines and methodologies to address questions of food systems, and ultimately understand the complexity of food systems questions and why this field of scholarship is so important. We have set lofty goals for this semester and we hope that you will join us on the journey. Keep an eye out for regularly scheduled posts authored by students explaining what they are learning, its impact, and how new information and experiences are shaping their understanding of the food system and their role as eaters.
Blog Posts
Introduction to Food Studies, Fall 2024
This semester, students enrolled in the Introduction to Food Studies Course will be working collaboratively to share what they are learning in class. We invite you to tag along and learn with us! This course provides an introductory overview of the interdisciplinary and dynamic field of food studies. Over the course of the fall semester,…
Introduction to Food Systems by Elyse Barry, Class of 2028
We, as consumers, should be looking more into the food systems from which we buy our food from. This is because, we may not realize that what we thought was not a name brand item, is actually a name brand item (Halpin, 2024, slide 4). For instance, I personally tend to forget which sodas belong…
Hunger, Access & Sovereignty in the Food System by Liz Cioffi (Class of 2026)
Food insecurity is an umbrella term, defined as the inability to access nutritious food for an active, healthy life. Despite the many grocery stores near Carlisle, including major chains like Walmart and Weis, there is still a staggering amount of food insecurity within the town. Although there is a certain amount of variety available in…
Local Issues and Initiatives for Access in the Food System by Anand Dickson (Class of 2027)
Food insecurity affects the town of Carlisle even though it is located in one of the richest counties in the state of Pennsylvania. Northern Carlisle has been labeled as a “food desert” (Halpin, 2024). This means, in areas of town, it is difficult to buy affordable and quality food. Government initiatives to expand food access…
Visit to The Hill Farm in Harrisburg, PA by Lewis Duffrin, Class of 2028
Urban Farms can be found across the United States, in every city. These farms are in concrete jungles where fresh produce can be scarce. Having Urban Farms can help a community access healthy nutritious food (Kim et al., 2016). Many of these poorer urban communities can be found in Food Deserts, places where fresh food…
Food Systems Video Overview by Kate Wilcox and Liz Cioffi
Do you ever wonder where your tomato came from? Check out this wonderful and informative short video on three key systems of food production. https://dson.hosted.panopto.com/Panopto/Pages/Viewer.aspx?id=fa99ee3d-02bb-459a-996f-b1f8000bc1ec&start=111.133437
Waste to Energy in the Food System by Beck Greenspoon, Class of 2027
Field Trip to DCF: Waste to Energy in the Food System – Bennett Greenspoon The Dickinson College Farm is more than a venue for students and staff to grow organic food; it is also a focal point for sustainable practices, integrating innovative solutions into the food system. It is part of a growing movement that…
Food and the Body with Professor Ford (Psychology) by Daniel Harris, Class of 2028
Food is often seen as merely a tool to supplement our nutritional needs, no more than a tedious distraction to our daily lives. This has led to great neglect on the issues that food presents to humans and our bodies. However, new research and greater visibility about food related issues has allowed us to better…
Introduction to Fat Studies with Professor Amy Farrell (American Studies) by Daulton Kendall, Class of 2025
Society has labeled fat people as the enemy. With headless photos and stigmas, fat people have been objectified as what is wrong with today’s society, painting the picture as if it is so black and white, skinny people are fit, hard-working, and smart whereas fat people are lazy, unhealthy, and not very intelligent. In fact,…
Food and Access Video by Chase Noe and Lesly Pineda-Angon
Check out this informational video on Food and Access that was created by students in the Intro to Food Studies course! https://dson.hosted.panopto.com/Panopto/Pages/Viewer.aspx?id=83d95668-b2e3-4f11-a18b-b205015615ae