On Tuesday, April 14, 2020 the German Department honored senior German majors and minors as well as Sümeyye Gundogmus, Maic Wrehde, and Tesse Lemke, our PEX and OSA students at the first ever Digital Gartenfest, an idea of our senior major Elizabeth Bodenman. The German faculty were honored to be able to award our excellent majors department awards and to induct so many of our graduating class into the German honor society Delta Phi Alpha, Chapter Gamma Beta. We also enjoyed hearing thoughtful reflections on experiences with the German program and study abroad. We are so lucky to have such great students and people associated with our program! A shout out goes to our essential and amazing colleagues in Bremen for all of their work making the semesters and years abroad such life-changing and successful experiences. Thank you, Dr. Janine Ludwig and Verena Mertz! And the winner of the best dressed prize this year goes to … Prof. Haque!
This year’s Gartenfest was a smaller affair than usual. Typically, we invite a select number of excellent students from our classes as well as all of the students who returned from study abroad in Bremen. Below is a complete list of the students who received awards and scholarships including certificates of excellence and those inducted into Delta Phi Alpha. Descriptions of the prizes and Delta Phi Alpha can be found on our Student Recognition page. Congratulations to all on their excellent work in German!
We will be inviting all graduates of German and other honorees to our Gartenfest in April 2021 (save the dates will go out soon!), but before then we hope to see all of you, including our wonderful graduates, in person on the Dickinson campus for celebrations.
Thanks to Lisa Orris for all of her help honoring our great students. Be safe and be well all.
Mit herzlichen Grüßen,
Dr. Antje Pfannkuchen, Dr. Kamaal Haque, Todd Bryant, Dr. Sarah McGaughey und Ann Hudson
Senior prizes
Heinrich Böll Prize
Elizabeth Bodenman
Marion Dexter Learned Prize
Sandi Kadric
Wieland Endowed Prize
Corson Ellis
Sophomore prize
Liselotte von Usedom Beach Prize
Brendan Harlan
Nick Rickert
Delta Phi Alpha
Elizabeth Bodenmann
Corson Ellis
Sandi Kadric
Karen Hoang
Megan Kropf
Jamie McKnew
James Moore
Jake Saltzberg
Jack Xia
Certificates of Excellence
Fall 2019
Jack Tigani | GRMN 101-01 (Bryant)
Sydney Nguyen | GRMN 101-02 (Hudson)
Erin Heeschen | GRMN 102 (Hudson)
Dzejlana Mehmedovic | GRMN 201-01 (McGaughey)
Shane Shuma | GRMN 201-02 (McGaughey)
Evan Bates | GRMN 202 (Pfannkuchen)
Amanda Sorensen | GRMN 212 (McGaughey)
Olivia Brettschneider | GRMN 304 (Pfannkuchen)
Spring 2020
Elijah Ring | GRMN 102-01 (Haque)
Evan Bechtel | GRMN 102-02 (Haque)
Ariana Goitz | GRMN 201 (McGaughey)
Caitlin Lauritzen| GRMN 202 (Pfannkuchen)
Becca Kearns | GRMN 215 (Pfannkuchen)
Patrick Moore | GRMN 250 (Haque)

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