Trees in A Forest
How do national and international factors interact in empowering some states of the Global South to make more progress toward the UN Sustainable Development Goals than other states? After completing our group project on Sri Lanka and participating in the Zoom meeting, I gained an interesting worldview in that progress on one SDG is often…
Through the Looking Glass
When I walk on Dickinson’s campus, it’s not hard to feel like an outsider, the culture that us Americans have been made used to during our times in high school is still prevalent yet it takes on new forms. Whether that be through organizations like sports teams or through friend groups and social clubs, it’s…
More Than Meets The Eye
In our first meeting with students from the American University of Sharjah, we were asked to “reflect on the differences between where you grew up or where you live now and where your exchange partners live. Some factors for us to consider were the environment, and culture.” After our first session, my group which…
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