Category: Uncategorized

  • Blog Post

    The SDG project has shown a lot of new information relating to how these goals work. I think internationally every country completing their SDGs would benefit the economy and more importantly the affects on climate change. A lot of the SDGs some how related to climate change like SDG 7 which my group did. If…

  • Blog Post 2

    Being in High School there are definitely groups of people that stay together. Growing up in a small town everyone knows each other but the popular kids and their parents seem to decides to fit in. While people who just moved into the district or someone who is not liked by a certain group of…

  • Blog Post 1

    After just a basic google search about UAE the first thing that came up was a very dry climate with only 2 seasons, summer and winter. This being compared to the 4 seasons we have here in Carlisle where I was born and raised. I also saw some pictures of cities which seemed very agriculturally…

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