Interactive Video Vignettes (IVVs): IVVs are ungraded web-based assignments for introductory physics students that combine video exposition and analysis. Each video vignette addresses a learning difficulty identified by physics education research and typically take students ten minutes or less to complete. The IVV project — funded by the National Science Foundation — is a collaborative effort between Dickinson College (#DUE-1123118) and the Rochester Institute of Technology (#DUE-1122828).
Vignette Studio (VS): VS software is being developed at RIT that allow physics educators to develop their own IVVs. The VS application is still being refined and users are urged to provide feedback using the Feedback link in the menu above.
Recognition: A video describing the IVV project earned recognition during the 2015 NSF Teaching and Learning Video Showcase competition in each of the three categories for which recognition was possible: Facilitators, Presenters, and Public Choice. The showcase included 112 video submissions; 15 videos were recognized in at least one category and three videos where recognized in two categories. The IVV video was one of only three that were recognized in all three categories.