J’ai Deux Amours: Analysis
One of Josephine Baker’s famous pieces of work is Jai Deux Amours, a song that captures her love for two places, America and Paris. In the song, she said, “ I have two loves: my country and Paris” because she created connections with both places (Baker and Rayor, 1998). She is from St. Louis, but she left America because of the harsh racism and the lack of opportunity she received in the states. However, she made Paris her home, where she created a name for herself and created opportunities for other Black people. Paris was a hub for newly liberated Black people. Black people saw Paris as something different, superb and fresh. Black people saw Paris as a land of opportunity and free agency (Whiting, 2015, pg 12). She believed that Paris treated her as a human being, and it was much easier for her to establish a career and legacy in Paris than in America.