I chose the neutral position in class on 9/24. A big thing with gasoline is how convenient it is for Americans. Although I do think we need to cut down on the amount of gasoline we are using, I do not think we will ever get to a point where gasoline is out of the picture for good. Not everyone has the option to walk to work, purchase an electric car, or simply stop using a car in general. In order for a real change to happen, everyone as a whole needs to do something in order to cut down on the amount of gasoline they are using. However, I do not think collectively, people will want to give up the luxury of driving and using gasoline. I do recognize that greenhouse gas emissions will only rise more and more, but I do not think that if only a few people gave up driving or using gasoline that it would make a big difference in the emissions of greenhouse gases. A real change needs to start collectively with everyone doing their part in the amount of gasoline they are using which is why I took the neutral position in class.