Category: Uncategorized

  • International Relations Blog #3

    The United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are a broad set of 17 goals that all UN member states strive to achieve in the future. Not every member is growing closer to achieving success at the same rate though. National and international factors empower certain states of the global south to make greater strides in…

  • International Relations Blog #2

    Growing up in Lancaster, Pennsylvania, the concept of in-groups and out-groups has played a major role in my life. While in-groups and out-groups can be based on race, ethnicity,  religion, or any of the other characteristics humans use to divide themselves, it is impossible for me to think of there being a divide as vast…

  • International Relations Blog #1: Gabe McGough

    The goals of students all around the world are fairly comparable. While the exact methods of achieving those goals differ dramatically, virtually every student goes to school to learn and hopefully use that knowledge to provide a better future for themselves, their families, and/or the world. In that way almost all students are the same.…