Excerpt of NARC’s “Aspirations for the Future” in their article “The Role of the National Association for Retarded Children in Programs of Education and Training” https://www.jstor.org/stable/23874915?seq=5#metadata_info_tab_contents
The journal article written by Stringham and Sengstock of the National Association for Retarded Children (NARC) explains their role and goals for supporting children with disabilities and their families specifically in the state and federal education system. The document walks through the history of the organization, their goals for the future, the organizations beliefs and policies, and how these things are implemented in order to best serve the children in need. NARC outlined curriculum for both teacher training and students, highlighted the important of special education programs, and vocational school services as a way of enhancing student’s educational needs. As The Disability Rights Movement was beginning to increase in activism and national support, this article was published. This is important because many activists in The Disability Rights Movement were fighting for equal opportunity in education, housing, and employment. NARC, therefore, was supporting these activists by providing concrete goals and objectives for the future of education for children with special needs.