This source is an ad that shows a state fair schedule.It is titled:
“Program of state fair is greatest ever given here”
and lists the events of the upcoming fair’s activities. Amongst the events are several lectures on eugenics, the eugenic competition where babies were inspected, and one baby was eventually selected as the winner. This was known as the eugenic baby competition.

Winner of “eugenic baby” contest
This is a photo that shows the winner of a ‘eugenic baby contest’ that occurred throughout the time period, especially in state fairs. This contest aimed to prove the “look” that was expected from those who were promoting the eugenics movement. Similarly to that of Germany’s movement, it showed that the influences stuck in cross cultural relations. This mentality stuck in America and the eugenics movement took off.

The “Fittest Family”
This photo depicts the winning family of the Eugenics Fitter Family contest that took place at the state fair. The winning family entailed having no people of color within their unit, or other attributes that was looked down upon. Having any of the traits that eugenicists deemed “undesirable,” could have affected their chances of winning.