The Great Depression and the New Deal

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Great Depression

In this documentary, it discussed how the nation was affected during the Great Depression. In this clip, it explicitly describes the struggles of African Americans who were extremely at a disadvantage. The employment rate at the time was twenty-five percent and this number was higher for African Americans. African Americans were “last hired, first hired”. This discrimination in the workplace caused the never ending cycle of poverty.

Sharecropping during the Great Depression

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By this time, the Great Depression had drastically reduced the demand for cotton and the need for those who helped to grow it. And other outside forces were also threatening the sharecroppers’ way of life. Many African Americans were forced out of a job and completely homeless. These problems would’ve been avoided if job discrimination did not hinder African Americans from succeeding in society during the time. Job Discrimination in the Great Depression led to widespread unemployment which was vast among the African American community.