Rosie The Riveter- By Four Vagabonds. 1943
Americas involvement in World War II spanned from 1941 to 1945. During these years, enlisted men fought oversees, and work on the domestic front was generally directed towards the war effort. Employment opportunities for women increased dramatically during this period. Six million women entered the workforce during World War II, with large quantities of women of color entering as well after reluctant white business owners eventually permitted the hiring of non-white women to work alongside white women. The role women had during World War II was imperative to America’s success. Rosie the Riveter is a popular symbol from the era that is used even today to represent hard working women in America. The increase of working women would lead to a shift in feminist attitudes in the country. In the coming decades, women’s labor rights would become a much talked about issue, but this would only be after an attempted return to “normalcy.”

A Rosie the Riveter poster