Both liberal and critical perspectives have interesting approaches to globalization. I will highlight a few key points from both viewpoints and follow with who I agree with and why.
Globalization can have many different terms but in general, it means the increased interconnectedness and interdependence among states around the globe. There is economic globalization, trade globalization, technological globalization, political globalization, cultural globalization, and many more. I think that both liberal and critical perspectives focus mainly on the economic, trade, and political sides of globalization.
The liberal perspective on globalization mainly focuses on peace among states – almost the opposite of the critical perspective. The liberalist view highlights the positive aspects of many types of globalization including economic globalization, trade, technology, and other forms. To summarize, liberalists simply feel that globalization brings forth growth.
On the other hand, critical theory highlights more crude but realistic alternatives to the liberalist view. Critical theorists highlight the negative consequences of globalization including the unequal balance of power between states, economic collapse or weakness, and even the marginalization of certain groups. With unequal power comes powerful actors that will dominate and influence the economy for their own gain or for the benefit of their people.
After considering both options I think that the critical approach to globalization is the most realistic. I believe this because I don’t think it is possible as of right now to establish peace and interdependence among states around the globe. Especially considering the war between Ukraine and Russia – I think that we are far from reaching interconnectedness on a global scale. The critical perspective stands out to me not because it is negative, but because it is the most realistic in terms of where we are right now in the world. Many countries rely on powerful monopolistic countries for critical resources such as gas and oil. Consider Russia and Hungary. Hungary is being dragged further into supporting Russia in it’s fight with Ukraine because of it’s reliance on Russia’s oil. In conclusion, the critical viewpoints of globalization stand out to me due to the current state of our world.
This being said, I don’t think the critcal viewpoints of globalization should remain. I hope that we can somehow reach interconnectedness on a global scale, not only because it would boost the economy and technology, but it would promote peace. That is most important.
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