Category: Uncategorized

  • The Indignant Interrogator in The Woman in White

    Essential to upholding gender roles during the Victorian era included the emphasis on domesticity for women (Christ 2006, 992). Though, too, the concept of “New Womanhood” brought alternative responses to the rigid gender norms. Resorted to the kitchen and to the private sphere of the home, women’s responsibilities were to construct the home itself and…

  • The Global South’s SDG Progress

    Contribution or Prohibition of SDG Progression: Factors influencing the Global South’s SDG Advancements After completing the podcast project focused on UN Sustainable Development Goals, there seem to be both similar and differing international factors driving progress or a lack thereof. For instance, my assigned country, Chile, has been plagued by political protests most recently beginning…

  • The Concept of “Othering”

    United States and Romanian “othering” A society cannot have a community without individuals. Though, with the concept of self, there remains problematic tendencies to “other” others. Perhaps, othering is historical—ingrained into the systems years ago. For my home community of Mt. Lebanon, our “othering” was evident with the predominantly White population living among very few…

  • Political and Educational Differences between the UAE and the US

    Perception versus reality Lily Neemes Upon meeting Riham and Ayesha—students from the American University of Sharjah—we discussed where everyone was from. From Somalia, but born and raised in Northern Virginia, Riham discussed the location of her school in the suburbs in comparison to downtown Dubai. Agreeing with Riham’s remarks about the suburb-city school dynamic, Ayesha explained…

  • Hello world!

    Welcome to Dickinson Blog. This is your first post. Edit or delete it, then start blogging!