
September 28th, 2023

The unusual size of the oil rents causes the most political and social issues in MENA. Some reasons for this are that the governments in our region rule heavily through authoritarianism. We have seen how this type of ruling usually leads to a balance of two things: legitimacy and coercion. Time and time again we see how when the governments in our region get huge sums of money (governments that are used to coercion more) they tend to spend a lot of it on keeping their people in their place even if they give some to the people they may not really spend it on what the people want.

Now if the government decides to give the money to the people and be true to their intentions things come down to that there is all this money: should it be distributed evenly, and who gets more money if not, how could you really make sure you are doing everything the people want since there are conflicting ideas among the population. If this is done incorrectly you could easily lose your legitimacy and end up using that money for coercion more. This could easily be an argument that outside factors may affect how ell rents work more than just the amount. Maybe it’s the amount and outside factors.

This entry was posted on Thursday, September 28th, 2023 at 12:08 am and is filed under Uncategorized. You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site.

2 Responses to “Rentierism”

  1. My Homepage Says:

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  2. Ed Webb Says:

    This is a bit vague and hard to follow. Your arguments will likely be more persuasive if you tie them to specific concepts in the assigned texts and back them up with specific examples/evidence.

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