2/1 Saturday Hike in Pine Grove

Saturday Hike in  Pine Grove

Saturday at 11:00 am, meet at Kaufman. We’ll be hiking down in Pine Grove, at either Pole Steeple or Buck Ridge (depending on our mood and the weather). Depending on which trail we take, we should be back around 3-5.

Forecast as of Monday is for highs around 40, and possible rain/snow – warm clothes, good boots and waterproof jackets are a must! Packed lunches are not required, but highly recommended. Let Karl know (smithkar@dickinson.edu) if you have any questions about gear or the itinerary.

We can bring 13 people on this trip. Please include your first and last name, phone number, and if you are van certified in your comment. 

69 thoughts on “2/1 Saturday Hike in Pine Grove

  1. complete name: Maria Angelica Oneto Elgueta
    Tel: 717 4226525

    I paid $10 for shuttles during weekends, is that van certified??

    Thanks 🙂

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