10/26 Rock Climbing at Shaffer’s Rock

Professor Bates will be leading a top roping trip at Shaffers Rock in Michaux State Forest leaving from Kaufman at 9am. There will also be an opportunity to boulder if you would like.

Please bring a lunch with you as we will not return until 2pm or so.

There is a limit to 12 people for this trip.

Please email kochtitw@dickinson.edu with questions.

You will receive a confirmation email on Saturday to confirm details of this trip.

67 thoughts on “10/26 Rock Climbing at Shaffer’s Rock

  1. I would love to go but I don’t have a pair of good climbing shoes. Hiking shoes are slippery. Can I rent one?

  2. I would like to go! I need shoes but I can borrow from the climbing wall, right?
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