Palliative care MD’s per capita: Palliative care MD’s per million population.
Source: Centeno C, Clark D, Rocafort J, Flores LA, Lynch T, Praill D, De Lima L, Brasch S, Greenwood A, Giordano A, Pons JJ. A map of palliative care specific resources in Europe. Navarra, Spain: European Association for Palliative Care (EAPC) Taskforce on the Development of Palliative Care in Europe; 2006.
Fascinating data. The numbers of palliative care physicians per capita among the various countries are highly disparate. Is there any reason for this?
Thanks for your comment. My co-author and I make some educated guesses about the cause of this disparity in Denmark, and those guesses may (or may not) apply to Scandinavian countries, more generally. See “5. Discussion” in the “Health Policy” article posted under the “Denmark” tab, above. Best, j