Career Fair: Russian Majors after Graduation

Five Dickinson Russian major alumna returned to campus last week to speak about their professional experiences since graduation. Invited speakers included Amity Fox ’04, who is currently Assistant Director of the Career Center at Dickinson; Nicholas Stebinger ’05, a lawyer for Chadbourne in NYC who was recently offered a judicial clerkship in Florida; Charles Blanchard ’06, lead Natural Gas Analyst at Bloomberg New Energy Finance in NYC; and Leah McNamara ’13, who will join Wells Fargo in Philadelphia as a country officer and bank liaison after graduation. Also, joining the group via Skype was Matthew Winter ’02, a financier and restaurant owner in Lianyuungang, China.
Current students were able to hear several generations of Russian majors discuss their experiences–from the Peace Corps to their time as Fulbright Fellows–and learn how a degree in Russian helped them succeed in a variety of fields, even those not specifically connected to the Russian language.


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