Evgeniia Dudina is Visiting International Instructor at Dickinson for the 2015-2016 academic year. Prof. Dudina is a specialist in Russian as a second language, as well as in Japanese literature and culture. When she is not teaching students about verbs of motion or verbal aspect, she is working on a dissertation that looks at Russian poetry in Japanese translation.
How did you get interested in Japanese?
Я начала изучать японский язык и культуру, когда поступила в университет на Дальнем Востоке. В моем городе языки юго-восточной Азии очень популярны благодаря географическому положению. Сейчас я больше читаю по-японски, чем говорю, поскольку должна писать диссертацию.
I began studying Japanese language and culture when I was a college student in the Far East. The languages of South-East Asia are very popular in the town I grew up in, given its geographic location. I don’t have many opportunities to speak Japanese these days and spend most of my time reading Japanese, since I am working on my dissertation.
What was it like growing up in Khabarovsk?
Хабаровск это достаточно большой город, столица Дальнего Востока. Расти и учиться там было интересно, поскольку близость к Китаю, Японии и Кореи давало возможность знакомиться с другой культурой.
Khaborvsk is a relatively large city. It is the capital of the Far East. It was interesting to grow up there and to go to school there, since the proximity of the city to China, Japan, and Korea allowed me to get to know different cultures.
What has surprised you most about your first months at Dickinson?
Первое впечатление от Дикинсона: здесь все улыбаются, все открыты и готовы помочь. Что касается Карлайла, то я никогда бы не могла подумать, что в таком маленьком городе может быть настолько благоустроенная жизнь.
My first impression of Dickinson was that everybody here is always smiling, and that they are open and ready to help. I would have never imagined that such a small town would be such a nice place to live.
What advice would you give to students studying Russian?
Я советую постараться получать удовольствие от изучения иностранного языка. Это прекрасный опыт и возможность познать в первую очередь глубже свою культуру и язык.
I would advise you to try and enjoy the experience of studying a foreign language. It is, first and foremost, a wonderful experience and an opportunity to get to know your own culture and language better.