Grace Ingle ’20 is a Russian and Middle East Studies major studying abroad in Moscow for the fall 2018 semester. This semester Grace has been participating in a Russian-American discussion club at the Russian State University for the Humanities, where Dickinson’s abroad program is housed. Last month, Grace organized a meeting of the club to discuss “Stereotypes and Misconceptions in Russian-American Relations.” She was the only American student in attendance that day and she describes the meeting as “a lively debate, where all the students had unique opinions and ideas to contribute.”
During their meeting, the group discussed the portrayal of Russians and Americans in films and the imbalance of US-produced films in Russia versus Russian films in the US. In her comments, Grace focused on the portrayal of each country by the other’s media, which morphed into a discussion on film. She remarks that the group “also spent time discussing the concept of ‘political correctness’ in each country’s contexts, which led to interesting (and heated!) debate.”
27 ноября (вторник) 2018 г. с 17:30 до 19:00 состоялось очередное заседание клуба по американистике в старом-новом формате дебатов. Тема заседания – “StereotypesandMisconceptionsinRussian–AmericanRelations“. Его непосредственные вдохновители и организаторы – Грейс Ингл, студентка из Дикинсон-колледж, которую вы хорошо знаете по предыдущим заседаниям Клубам в этом году, а также другие американские и канадские студенты.