by Anna Harvey ’22, Russian Club President
On Tuesday, November 10, 2020 the Russian Department celebrated our 30th Russian Revolution at Dickinson! The Russian Department has been commemorating the anniversary of the Russian Revolution since at least 1990. As part of the annual event, students research the history of the revolution, recite speeches associated with the event, and learn about the contemporary relevance of the revolution in Russia today. This year, during the COVID-19 pandemic, the event looked different, and we sadly could not storm the steps of Bosler with our usual flair. We instead met through Zoom to listen to short presentations by Dickinson-in-Moscow Director Irina Filippova and Prof. Elena Duzs, and Russian major Elizabeth Price. After learning about the timeline of events, some of the most important figures of the October Revolution, and the aftermath of the Revolution, we played a competitive game of Kahoot. It was a lot of fun to see everybody who came out for the Revolution, and we hope to host it in person (with pizza!) again next year!