What are your favorite memories from your time at Dickinson?
Andrew: Beating Gettysburg in 2008 was a major highlight. We were the first Dickinson swim team in years to win that meet. I’m also still extremely close with members of Raven’s Claw, and I am very grateful for that organization.
Eliza: Being president of Pi Beta Phi and studying abroad in Málaga are memories that I’ll never forget.
How has Dickinson’s useful liberal-arts education helped you?
The emotional intelligence that comes with a liberal-arts background allows us both to better connect with our stakeholders, whether that’s students and their parents or business clients.
Andrew: In my career, I am very focused on solving complex problems for our clients. The solutions aren’t always cut and dried. Having the strength of a liberal-arts education allows me to think in new and creative ways to find the most useful solution, one that fits the ever-changing needs of our stakeholders.
Eliza: I feel like I have a very well-rounded education across all subjects, and I can speak to a wide range of disciplines. As a teacher, that’s very helpful.
What inspired your gift to Dickinson?
Both of us have benefited from our time at Dickinson, and it wouldn’t have been possible without alumni support through the McAndrews Fund and annual giving. We want to help ensure that the next generation of Dickinsonians has the same opportunities.
What advice would you give to today’s students?
Take advantage of every opportunity you have on campus. Your time at Dickinson is very impactful, and it has a lasting effect as you move through life after graduation. Don’t underestimate the power of networking with alumni. Dickinson has a very diverse alumni body, and alumni are willing and able to connect and assist wherever possible.