Book Launch: Sexual Diversity in Young Cuban Cinema by Margaret Frohlich

By Francesca Kelly ‘25 


On April 6th of 2023, Dickinson’s Department of Spanish & Portuguese Studies celebrated the recent release of Professor Margaret Frohlich’s new book, titled Sexual Diversity in Young Cuban Cinema. Professor Frohlich is an Associate Professor of Spanish at Dickinson, who has been with the college since 2007.  

In accordance with 

“This book explores how young Cuban filmmakers have expanded the range of sexual subjectivities on screen. It analyzes cine joven (films made by young directors) from the late 1980s to the early 2020s, film reviews, articles, and materials from the Cinematheque of Cuba’s archive to illustrate the confluence of sexuality, cinema, and discourses of youth. While sexual and cinematic cultures have their own unique relation to the public sphere, state institutions, and transnational flows, this book explores tensions, debates, and expressions that unite them. In an investigation of how young filmmakers employ queer strategies of self-making to bring sexual diversity to the screen, Margaret G. Frohlich shows us how cine joven takes part in the socialization of power in Cuba.” 

The Department of Spanish & Portuguese Studies is thrilled with such an achievement by our very own Professor Frohlich, and we are moved by the support shown from students and staff at this special book launch event. 

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